Health Management

Program Presentation

Healthcare systems have gradually evolved, becoming increasingly complex structures that require people who are capable of efficiently managing the organizations that comprise them.

Healthcare Management integrates the concepts related to the management of Healthcare organizations and how to make sound decisions with a strategic vision in order to deliver quality services to its consumers.

Who is the programme for?

The proposed methodology along with the clarity and diversity of the curriculum of the Specialization of Healthcare Management program is designed for professionals interested in working within the administrative and managerial areas of any health establishment, be it public or private.


The successful completion of the Program will allow the student to obtain the degree of Specialization of HEALTH MANAGEMENT, issued by the University where he or she has registered.

Program Structure

The credit structure of the Health Management program is shown in the following table. It should be noted that the duration is merely indicative, as the methodology followed integrates the knowledge and skills to be acquired in each part through integrative exercises of knowledge acquisition and internalization of project practices:

1st Part: Subjects 45
2nd Part: Final Project 10

a. The equivalence in credits may vary according to the university where he/she has enrolled. One (1) ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) credit is equivalent to 10 + 15 hours. If the student is enrolled in a university that does not belong to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), the relation between credits - hours may vary.


The program in Health Management has 55 credits.

The duration of the program in Health Management is 12 months, depending on the student's dedication. In this period of time, the student must have successfully passed all the evaluated activities and approved the Final Project, if any.


General Objectives:

  • To understand and apply the concepts related to the management of Healthcare organizations make decisions based on a strategic vision in order to offer quality services for its consumers.

Specific Objectives:

  • To understand the strategic process of organizational management.
  • To learn to design the conceptual and methodological framework for human resource management by understanding the staff’s importance in reaching goals.
  • To understand the macroeconomic factors that influence health.
  • To apply the fundamentals of Healthcare organizations management and leadership in general terms.
  • To master the most relevant aspects that conceptually shape the financial management of any Healthcare organization.
  • To apply the key concepts in health marketing, to understand the consumer and to reach them with greater ease
  • To master the essential issues of control and management of costs by highlighting the most important concepts that configure the financial management of any Healthcare organization.
  • To improve the quality of health services by placing importance on patients in the processes.
  • To learn to perform the diagnosis of a Healthcare system realizing the importance and implications of primary Healthcare.

Career Opportunities

The Specialization in Healthcare Management capacitates the student to assume responsibility for the management of hospitals, centers of primary care, public or private socio-health centers and NGO. It can also contribute to their abilities as a researcher or professor.

Study Plan

The Specialization in Healthcare Management program is composed of 12 subjects and a Final Project

  • 1st Part: Subjects (450 hours)

The course provides instruction on Healthcare management, from its theoretical foundations to its practical implementation.

The objective is to acquire a complete, integral and holistic view of Healthcare management.

The corresponding subjects and hours of the program are shown in the following table:

1st Part: Subjects
1 Strategic Management of Human Resources 40
2 Performance Evaluation and Management by Competence 30
3 Business Management and Administration 40
4 Economics 50
5 Management and Cost Control 30
6 Financial Management 40
7 Healthcare Planning 40
8 Healthcare Services Management 30
9 Marketing 30
10 Assistance Quality and Patient Security 40
11 Project Management and Planning 40
12 Health Systems 40
  TOTAL 450

These subjects, are independent of one another, yet are self-contained and are structured according to a coherent teaching sequence. Each is divided into thematic units or chapter, whose content includes printed material that should be studied to satisfactorily respond to the various assessments.

1 Final Specialization Project 100

In the case of the Specialization, Post-Graduate or Expert-Graduate negrees, the last phase of the program includes writing a Final Project.


Academic Administration

  • Dr. Maurizio Antonio Battino. Biochemist researcher and professor at the School of Specialization in Food Science. Professor at the Polytechnic University of Marche. Scientific Director in the European University of the Atlantic.
  • Dr. Silvia Aparicio. Doctor in Economics from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and Bachelor in Business Administration and Management from the Universidad de Cantabria. International Academic Director of the Area of Management Development, Business Organization, and Human Resources of the Iberoamerican University Foundation, FUNIBER.

General Academic Coordination

  • Dr. Irma Domínguez Azpíroz. International Coordinator in the Area of Health.
  • Dr. Carmen Lilí Rodríguez Velasco. International Coordinator in the Area of Business Organization, Administrative Development and HR.

Program Coordination

  • Dr. Vivian Lipari. Doctorate in Projects. Master's Degree in Public Health by the University of Chile and student of the Master's in Health Services Administration by the Federico Villarreal University, Peru. Graduate in Instructional Design for Online Education from the Andrés Bello University. Academic coordinator of the Public Health and Health Management Area and professor at the International Iberoamerican University.

Teaching staff and Authors

  • Dr. David Barrera Gómez. Doctor Engineer from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia and has an MBA from the Higher Technical School of Industrial Engineering of Barcelona, UPC. Consultant of business, technology and business solutions. Professor at the Ibero-american International University.
  • Dr. Roberto M. Alvarez. Doctor in Project Engineering, from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Spain. Master in Project Management and Design, by the Polytechnic of Milan, Italy. Professor at the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Professor at the Ibero-american International University.
  • Dr. Francisco J. Hidalgo Trujillo. Doctor in Project Engineering: Environment, Safety, Quality, and Communication, from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia. Advisor and consultant to organizations. Process Analyst and strategic business development.
  • Dr. Manuel Maeda Takeuchi. Professor of Engineering and Business Administration, University of Piura, Peru. Managerial Experience in administration, corporation projects, operations management and administration and finance.
  • Dr. Cristina Hidalgo González. Doctorate in QC. Business from the University of León. Professor at the Department of Applied Economics at the University of León.
  • Dr. (c) Saúl Domingo Soriano. Doctoral candidate at the University of León. Master in General Direction of companies by the Catalan Institute of Technology of Barcelona. Master in e-business Consulting and Information Technology from the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain. Director of Final Projects in the Master and Specializations, FUNIBER.
  • Dr. Vivian Lipari. Doctorate in Projects. Master's Degree in Public Health by the University of Chile and student of the Master's in Health Services Administration by the Federico Villarreal University, Peru. Graduate in Instructional Design for Online Education from the Andrés Bello University. Academic coordinator of the Public Health and Health Management Area and professor at the International Iberoamerican University.
  • Dr. Carmen Lilí Rodríguez Velasco. Doctor in Education from the International Iberoamerican University, Master in Occupational and Organizational Psychology from the University of Havana, and Bachelor in Psychology from the Central University of Las Villas, Cuba. Academic Coordinator and Professor at the International Iberoamerican University.
  • Dr. (c) Diana Patricia Cortés Díaz. Doctor in Projects, by the Ibero-american International University (in process of completion). Master's Degree in Human Resources and Knowledge Management at the University of León, Spain. Consulting firm specializing in Labor Law and Social Security. Program Coordinator and Professor at FUNIBER.
  • Dr. (c) Ana Godoy Magdaleno. Doctorate in Psychology from the University of the Basque Country (in process of completion). Diploma in Advanced Studies from the University of the Basque Country. Expertise in Mediation: fields of action and techniques applied to the resolution of conflicts, from the Complutense University of Madrid. Academic Coordinator of the Master Program in Conflict Resolution and Mediation and their specializations.
  • Mg. Lucía Odette Castillo. Master in Administration and Human Resources Management (USACH). Head Nurse of the Clinical Hospital at the University of Chile.
  • Mg. Tania Herrera Martinez. Master of Business at the University Queensland (Australia). Magister in Management for Globalization from the University of Chile and a Master in Public Health from the University of Chile. Degree in Medicine by the University of Chile.
  • Mg. CD. Lucia Vassallo Gjurinovic. Magister in the Management of Health Services. Internal Auditor in Quality Management Systems ISO 9001:2008. University Evaluation specialist (National Assembly of Rectors). Clinical Supervisor specializing in Dentistry - Faculty of Dentistry - University of San Martin de Porres. Peru.
  • MD. Juan Manuel Diminich Paredes. Medical Audit Specialist (RNA in transit). Lead Auditor ISO 9001: 2008. Member of the Peruvian Society of Medical Auditing. Superintendent of Occupational Health -Chinalco Mining, Peru.

FUNIBER Training Scholarships

The Ibero-american University Foundation (FUNIBER) periodically delivers an economic baseline with extraordinary character for FUNIBER scholarships.

To apply for it, you only need to send your application for a scholarship on the website’s main page with the required data, and the evaluation committee will examine the suitability of your candidature to be granted economic aid, in the form of a FUNIBER scholarship.