Master's Degree in Cultural Project Management

Program Presentation

Culture is a fundamental pillar of society, sustaining the sense of identity for individuals and communities, and providing tools for the enjoyment of life and the understanding of reality—whether through music, theater, urban arts, crafts, contemporary art, cinema, or poetry.

In recent years, culture has undergone a process of recognition and valorization, strengthening its importance in social cohesion, the development of communities, improving people's quality of life, its intrinsic relationship with the economy, and its recognition as a fundamental human right.

However, the cultural sector still faces challenges in fully consolidating its role in society, both in public cultural management and in the creation and strengthening of cultural enterprises and projects. The first challenge is the need for more specialized and well-trained professionals, with solid knowledge of the cultural sector and the skills necessary for efficient and strategic management of projects in this area.

In response to this need, the Master's Degree in Cultural Project Management offers a training program with a dual focus: conceptual and theoretical training on culture and the cultural sector; a set of tools and techniques for the effective and comprehensive management of cultural projects. The program adopts a project development methodology based on a collaborative work environment that fosters the exchange of knowledge and experiences among students from around the world.

The objective of the program is to train professionals capable of managing cultural projects with a strategic and forward-looking vision, grounded in a solid conceptual foundation and an ethical approach to society. Throughout the program, students will explore various areas and perspectives of the cultural sector, develop both individual and collaborative cultural projects, and acquire the competencies and skills necessary to put these into practice.

Who is the programme for?

The proposed training methodology, combined with clear, comprehensive, and didactic content, makes the Master's Degree in Cultural Project Management suitable for graduates who wish to gain expertise in managing cultural projects, as well as for professionals already working in the sector who seek to expand their knowledge and acquire new competencies to enhance their professional performance.


Successful completion of the program will lead to a Master's Degree in Cultural Project Management.

Upon successful completion of the Program, the student will receive the degree issued by the university where they have enrolled.

Professional Certification

Through the cooperation agreement that FUNIBER maintains with the Argentine Project Management Association (AGPA) and the IPMA Argentina Certification Body (OCIA), each student has the opportunity to obtain professional certification as an IPMA Level D Project Management Technician.

To apply for the IPMA Level "D" Certification (Project Management Technician) (*), the student must be registered for certification and have completed the module on project design for cultural projects. The certification consists of taking an exam administered by the OCIA.

(*) Exclusively for students residing in the Americas

For more information:

FIDBAN Project submissions

The Fundación Innovación y Desarrollo (FIDBAN, Innovation and Development Foundation), sponsored by FUNIBER and other institutions, is a non-profit organization that seeks to link profitable entrepreneurial projects in need of financing with potential equity investors. It is an International Network comprised of Chapters in 30 countries in Europe, America, Africa and Asia.
More information:

The Master's groups will have the opportunity to present their projects to potential investors through FIDBAN in order to secure financing. This will take place once the preliminary project has been academically approved.

There will be one submission deadline per year. The same will be announced in advance, along with notification of the investment round in which the project will be presented.

Application Process

Upon completion of the preliminary project, interested parties must submit their project to the Academic Projects Department (DAP) committee, composed of professional project experts, who will determine whether the project can be presented to FIDBAN.

The dates for project exposure rounds will be announced by FIDBAN once the projects have been selected.

The DAP will guide the interested parties through the administrative process they must follow.

Meet The Academic Projects Department

Program Structure

The credit structure of the Master's Degree in Cultural Project Management is shown in the following table. It should be noted that the duration is merely indicative, as the methodology followed integrates the knowledge and skills to be acquired in each part through integrative exercises of knowledge acquisition and internalization of project practices:

Part I: Subjects 70
Part II: Collaborative Cultural Project 10
PART III: Master's Final Project 10

a. The equivalence in credits may vary according to the university where the student has enrolled. One (1) ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) credit is equivalent to 10 + 15 hours. If the student is enrolled in a university that does not belong to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), the relation between credits - hours may vary.


The Master's Degree in Cultural Project Management has 90 credits.

The duration of the Master's Degree in Cultural Project Management varies between 12 and 24 months, depending on the student’s commitment. During this period, the student must have successfully passed all the corresponding evaluations as well as the Final Project.


General objective

  • Train professionals with broad knowledge of the cultural sector who are capable of designing, managing and directing cultural projects with efficiency, creativity and strategic vision.

Specific Objectives

Students at the end of the program will be able to:

  • Reflect on the concept of culture and analyze the evolution of its role in society.
  • Recognize and characterize all areas of the cultural sector and study the associated indicators.
  • Learn the basics of cultural management and the functions of a manager.
  • Conceptualize the dimensions, models and processes of Cultural Heritage management.
  • Know and apply the different forms of financing and viability of cultural projects.
  • Design and implement communication and marketing plans for cultural projects.
  • Design, implement and manage cultural projects with efficiency, creativity and strategic vision.
  • Develop cultural projects in a collaborative and multidisciplinary way, with the support of digital technologies.
  • Act in the cultural sector in an ethical and responsible manner.

Career Opportunities

  • Director or producer of cultural events.
  • Director or technician of cultural facilities, sites or monuments.
  • Cultural technician in public or private organizations.
  • Cultural advisor or consultant.
  • Producer or representative of artists or artistic companies.
  • Cultural marketing and communication manager or technician.
  • Manager or technician in charge of financing and viability of cultural projects.
  • Cultural entrepreneur.

Study Plan

The Master's Degree in Cultural Project Management consists of three parts, including the development of a collaborative cultural project and the final master's project.


The first part of the program covers the fundamental aspects of cultural project management, focusing on both the theoretical foundations of the cultural field and the more technical and practical elements related to its management. Additionally, the main areas and sectors of cultural management will be explored through workshops and practical seminars.


In this stage of the Master's program, the student, together with their peers in the program, will develop a Collaborative Cultural Project with the aim of incorporating and applying the tools of project design, and interdisciplinary and collaborative work competencies in the sociocultural or artistic project’s development.

1 Collaborative Cultural Project 10

The objective of the Master's Final Project is for the student to present a complete work that shows the complete development of a cultural project, contemplating the possibility of its concrete execution, according to the guidelines and details of the presented proposal. The project will be supervised by an expert director in the management of cultural projects.

1 Master's Final Project 10

Description of the Subjects


  1. Culture and Society

    This subject explores the various historical and social processes that have contributed to positioning culture as a key resource for human development. It encourages reflection on the concept of culture, its connection with the evolving notion of human development and cultural rights, cultural diversity, the link between culture and citizenship, and its relationship with other sectors.

    Some of the topics covered in the subject are the following:

    The concept of culture
    Culture as a resource for cultural management
    Culture and the Sustainable Development Goals
    Cultural diversity
    Culture and citizenship
    Cultural rights
    Cultural and other sectors
  2. Cultural Sector

    This subject proposes an approach to the notion of the cultural sector, alluding to a more complex dimension than the economic one, adding political, sociological, anthropological, legal, administrative and legal-international aspects that enable a deeper understanding of the sector’s logics.

    Some of the topics covered in the subject are the following:

    Concept and configuration of the cultural sector
    Cultural agents
    Relationship between the economy and culture
    Cultural goods and services
    The contribution of culture to the economy
    Culture and territory
    Legal framework of the cultural sector
  3. Cultural Policies

    This subject offers a comprehensive study of cultural policies, examining their meaning, the actors or agents involved in their development and implementation, the nature and perspective from which they are conceived, how they are organized, and the legal and institutional frameworks that govern them.

    Some of the topics covered in the subject are the following:

    Cultural management and cultural policies
    Intervening agents and scenarios in the formulation and implementation of cultural policies.
    Paradigms, types and meanings of cultural policies
    Institutionalization and implementation of cultural policies
    Cultural policies for development
  4. Fundamentals of Cultural Management

    This subject introduces the basic concepts and essential questions that cultural project managers need to consider. The subject promotes the acquisition of a comprehensive perspective focused on the interests of cultural management as a driver of local, regional, and global development. It emphasizes cultural management as a community practice and as a point of articulation and connection for the needs of various forms of social bonding.

    Some of the topics covered in the subject are the following:

    Basic notions of cultural management
    Context, identity and territory
    Culture and economy
    Integrated management
    Culture, education and training
    Conceptual tools
    Practical tools
    Strategic culture plan
    Customer service
    Cultural management challenges
  5. Cultural Heritage

    This course encourages reflection on the conceptualization, approaches, and theories of Cultural Heritage. It also presents various models of cultural heritage management and institutional frameworks, as represented in the legislative, political, and institutional spheres at the local, state, national, and global levels.

    Some of the topics covered in the subject are the following:

    Theoretical foundation of Cultural Heritage
    Conceptualization, approaches and theoretical currents of Cultural Heritage
    Cultural Heritage Management Models
    Models of Cultural Heritage Institutionalism: legislation, policies and institutions
    Cultural heritage
  6. Introduction to Project Management

    Project management involves overseeing all the resources required for the successful development of a project. This subject provides a general introduction to the subject, covering topics such as: general concepts of project management, project typologies, project phases, and the project life cycle.

    Some of the topics covered in the subject are the following:

    Project management and administration
    General and theoretical introduction
    General concepts of project management and project typologies
    Project phases and project life cycle
  7. Project Planning and Management

    Planning and project management are closely connected, as effective management is impossible without proper planning. Key concepts include developing the project plan and controlling potential changes, defining, managing, and planning the project scope, and selecting and applying the appropriate techniques to create an effective action plan.

    Some of the topics covered in the course are the following:

    Project integration and scope
    Development of the project plan and control of its possible changes, definition, management and planning of the project scope
    Project planning and scheduling
    Selecting and applying appropriate techniques to create an action plan
    Specific scheduling techniques, and correct time management
  8. Logical Framework

    This subject introduces the Logical Framework methodology in order to understand its complexity and learn about the life cycle process of a project from a logical framework perspective.

    Some of the topics covered in the subject are the following:

    Origin and epistemology of planning by objectives
    Steps of the logical framework approach: participation analysis, problem analysis, objectives analysis, alternatives analysis, project planning matrix and feasibility analysis
    Project cycle management
  9. Financing and Viability of Cultural Projects

    The purpose of this subject is to analyze the financing and viability of cultural projects, addressing conceptual, technical, and methodological aspects necessary for implementing the objectives of a cultural project in both financial and technical-administrative areas.

    Some of the topics covered in the subject are the following:

    Cultural and creative economy
    Financing of culture
    Feasibility study of a cultural project
    Strategic planning
    Administrative and financial action plan
  10. Communication and Cultural Marketing

    This subject explores the application of marketing to the cultural sector, highlighting the specificities of the sector and the most appropriate strategies for dissemination, marketing and sale of cultural products and services.

    Some of the topics covered in the subject are the following:

    Marketing and culture
    The cultural product and its value system
    Marketing plan: analysis, decision and control
    Cultural communication
    People: the audiences of culture and the arts
    The segmentation and positioning process
    Marketing Mix: definitions, theories and methodologies
  11. Cultural Sectors and Fields I

    This subject proposes reflections and workshops on different sectors and specific areas of culture, with the aim of putting into practice the knowledge previously obtained and discussing relevant topics in the cultural context.

    Some of the topics covered in the subject are the following:

    Concerts and festivals workshop (music, performing arts, cinema, dance, literature)
    Seminar on cultural industries (audiovisual, phonographic, book, etc.)
    Seminar on legal aspects of the cultural field
    Cultural facilities management workshop
  12. Cultural Sectors and Fields II

    This subject proposes reflections and workshops on different sectors and specific areas of culture, with the aim of putting into practice the knowledge previously obtained and discussing relevant topics in the cultural context.

    Some of the topics covered in the subject are the following:

    Exhibition workshop (visual arts, photography, artists, various themes)
    Heritage management seminar
    Seminar on cultural tourism
    Educational services workshop


In this stage of the Master's program, the student, together with their peers in the program, will develop a Collaborative Cultural Project with the aim of incorporating and applying the tools of project design, and interdisciplinary and collaborative work competencies in the sociocultural or artistic project’s development.


The objective of the Master's Final Project is for the student to present a complete work that shows the complete development of a cultural project, contemplating the possibility of its concrete execution, according to the guidelines and details of the presented proposal. The project will be supervised by an expert director in the management of cultural projects.

Note: The content of the academic program may be subject to slight modifications depending on updates or improvements made.


Academic Management

  • Dr. Ernesto Bautista Thompson. Doctorate in Computer Science by the Centro de Investigación en Computación del Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Mexico. Master in Materials Science and Engineering by the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Degree in Physics from the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Experience in consulting projects in data science and software development in the oil industry (PEMEX E&P) and in business intelligence in companies in the commerce, manufacturing and food sectors. Academic career as a researcher in the field of time series analysis and modeling, data science and information visualization. Teaching career in undergraduate and graduate programs in different universities in Mexico: Universidad Autónoma del Carmen, UVM, UTEL; currently a full time professor at the Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana México. Academic Coordinator of the Master's Program in Data Science applied to Business Intelligence.

General Academic Coordination

  • Dr. Ligia María Lee Guandique. Communication Area Coordinator - FUNIBER. 

Teaching staff and Authors

  • Dr. Ernesto Francisco Bautista Thompson. Doctorate in Computer Science by the Center for Research in Computing of the National Polytechnic Institute, Mexico. Master in Materials Science and Engineering by the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). Graduated in Physics from the Faculty of Sciences of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).
  • Dr. Marta Pérez. Doctorate in Communication from the Universidad Católica San Antonio. Currently teaches subjects such as Public Opinion, Communication Theory and Oral and Written Communication at the Universidad Loyola Andalucía (Spain). Has also published articles in high impact journals such as El profesional de la información, Latina, Anglia, Opción, Icono 14 or Catalan Journal of Comunicación; as well as book chapters in prestigious publishers such as McGraw Hill, IGI Global or Routledge.
  • Dr. David Varona. Doctorate in Journalism from the Complutense University of Madrid. Holds a degree in Journalism from the Complutense University of Madrid and a Master's degree in International Relations from the same university. Currently teaches Digital Content Design and Production and Digital Journalism at Loyola Andalucía University
  • Dr. Jon Arambarri Basañez. D. in Engineering and Technology from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia UPC - University of Cordoba. MBA from the Institute of Applied Economics of UPV-EHU. Senior Telecommunications Engineer from the School of Engineering of Bilbao. Professor accredited by the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ANECA). Currently a project manager at oriented to the generation of new products to meet the strategic needs of Aquitaine (France) - Euskadi in eHealth, Industry4.0 and Energy Technologies. He combines his professional work with independent consulting and teaching. He has more than 20 years of experience in technology business development and innovation management in the international public-private sector. His research interests combine telecommunication infrastructures (Telecommunication Networks, Multimedia and Internet of Things - IoT) together with the digital transformation (Artificial Intelligence and predictive systems, Cyber-Security) of the business fabric, mainly in areas of eHealth, Industry4.0 and Energy. He is the author of numerous scientific publications and an active lecturer on innovative business management.
  • Dr. Roberto Fabiano Fernandes. Doctorate in Engineering and Knowledge Management from the Federal University of Santa Catarina, UFSC, Brazil. Master's Degree in Engineering and Knowledge Management, Federal University of Santa Catarina. Specialization in Software Project Engineering, University of Southern Santa Catarina. Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science, Blumenau Regional University Foundation. Has experience in the areas of engineering, production, with emphasis on innovation management. Has worked especially on the following topics: innovation, project management, opportunity identification, design and knowledge management.
  • Dr. Jorge Manjarrez. Doctorate in Computer Science from the University of Nantes, France, working on the optimization of query processing in parallel databases in the ATLAS-INRIA team. Senior Member of the ACM. Professor-researcher PRODEP. Has about 40 publications in journals, book chapters and conferences. Has also directed graduate and engineering theses and research projects with public and private funding. Areas of interest are Scalable Machine Learning, Scalable Data Management and parallel and concurrent programming.
  • Dr. (c) Andrea Gutiérrez Jiménez. Psychologist, Master in Human Resources and Knowledge Management, Diploma in Perinatal Education. Has worked in the field of people development in health institutions, educational institutions and private companies. More than 15 years of teaching experience, she is a consultant and lecturer.
  • Msc. Noelia Leiro. Master in Digital Marketing and Business Management by ESERP BUSINESS SCHOOL, Barcelona. Degree in Advertising and Public Relations from the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Professional with more than nine years of experience in the Mobile App Marketing sector and more than 13 years in Marketing and Advertising. Currently CEO and Founder of Actualízatec, a Mobile and App Marketing consultancy.
  • Msc. Enrique Villanueva. Master's Degree in Business Administration from the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey. Bachelor's Degree in Communication Sciences from the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey. Certificate in Tourism from the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey.
  • Msc. Hadit Pamela Brito Abreu. Master's Degree in Business Administration from the Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana. Degree in Advertising from Universidad Pro Educación y Cultura, Dominican Republic. Academic advising in different academic programs (masters, doctorates, specializations).

FUNIBER Training Scholarships

The Fundación Universitaria Iberoamericana (FUNIBER) periodically allocates a special economic fund for FUNIBER Scholarships in Education.

To apply for the scholarship, please complete the information request form on FUNIBER's website or contact the office branch in your country, who will inform you if it is necessary to provide any additional information.

Once the documentation is received, the Evaluation Committee will examine the suitability of your application for financial aid as awarded by the FUNIBER Scholarship.