Master`s Degree in Digital Marketing and Big Data

Program Presentation

Today's companies, with digital and universal foundations, require multitasking business professionals who can operate globally and analytically, equipped with the skills to address advanced online challenges using the latest marketing tools: Big Data.

In response to this need, we present this master's program, which prepares professionals and students to meet this significant challenge: developing a unique commercial proposal, supported by relevant data selected through Big Data procedures.

We offer an innovative and forward-thinking learning experience that provides students with cutting-edge and efficient tools to solve complex business problems by combining digital marketing and Big Data, two of the most innovative aspects of modern marketing.

The Master’s Degree in Digital Marketing and Big Data focuses on key topics of this new business trend, such as multi-device marketing, internet and search engine advertising (SEO and SEM), social media, mobile device marketing, and Big Data.

Graduates of this master's program will be able to offer solutions to complex business problems using digital marketing and Big Data, the tools that are shaping the future of business.

Who is the programme for?

This professionally oriented program is designed for both professionals who wish to advance in the fields of Digital Marketing and Big Data, as well as students looking to improve their digital skills for effective performance in the job market.

It will be especially focused on:

  • Managers with a vocation for business development in online environments.
  • Professionals looking to acquire complete competencies in the field of Digital Marketing, E-Business and Big Data.
  • Entrepreneurs who want to launch their own startup.
  • Students who want to focus their professional development with guarantees in the fields of online marketing, Internet communication, Big Data and massive information capture, storage and analysis systems.
  • Professionals who want to lead the transformation and transition of their company to the digital environment.


The successful completion of the program will lead to the awarding of the Master’s Degree in Digital Marketing and Big Data.

Upon successful completion of the Program, the student will receive the degree issued by the university where they have enrolled.

Program Structure

The credit structure of the Master’s Degree in Digital Marketing and Big Data program is shown in the following table. It should be noted that the duration is merely indicative, as the methodology followed integrates the knowledge and skills to be acquired in each part through integrative exercises of knowledge acquisition and internalization of project practices:

Module 1: Fundamentals of Management and Marketing 11
Module 2: Offer Analysis 24
Module 3: Consumer Analysis 16
Module 4: New Paradigms 7
Module 5: Big Data 22
Module 6: Master's Final Project 10

a. The equivalence in credits may vary according to the university where the student has enrolled. One (1) ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) credit is equivalent to 10 + 15 hours. If the student is enrolled in a university that does not belong to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), the relation between credits - hours may vary.


The Master’s Degree in Digital Marketing and Big Data has 90 credits.

The duration of the Master’s Degree in Digital Marketing and Big Data varies between 12 and 24 months, depending on the student's commitment. During this period, the student must have successfully passed all the corresponding evaluations as well as the Final Project.


Train professionals who master online marketing strategies, using Big Data technologies and techniques for the benefit of the company.

At the end of the Master's program, students will be able to:

  • Mastering effective strategic marketing management in online environments.
  • Define successful strategies through different digital sales channels such as social networks and multi-device marketing.
  • Effectively use innovation in online environments to meet predefined business and corporate objectives.
  • Develop communication actions and creation of commercial and corporate content in social and digital media.
  • Master the different business intelligence and deep learning algorithmic models for modeling a Big Data system to solve a given business problem.
  • Define and develop a Big Data system that combines capture, storage, analysis and visualization techniques.
  • Master the legal aspects of application related to the capture, storage and use of user data.
  • Anticipate the risks and benefits derived from the application of massive data processing techniques in a real situation.

Career Opportunities

Some professional opportunities from the Master's program are:

  • Director of online corporate communications
  • Online Marketing Manager
  • E-Business Manager
  • Online Advertising/Promotion Manager
  • Customer Relationship Manager
  • Entrepreneur in a proprietary Digital Marketing Company
  • Big Data Project Manager
  • Business Intelligence Manager
  • Senior Analyst
  • BI Consultant
  • Senior Big Data Analyst
  • Business Intelligence Technician
  • Senior BI Consultant

Study Plan

The Master’s Degree in Digital Marketing and Big Data consists of six modules, including five subject modules and the Master's Final Project.


This module provides the fundamental knowledge for business marketing, with one subject dedicated to business administration and management and another to the fundamentals of marketing.

1 Business Administration and Management 4
2 Marketing 7

This module aims to provide solid training in relation to the different aspects that the offer must contemplate: e-commerce, social media and web marketing based on genuine and reflective learning.

1 Digital Marketing and e-Commerce 8
2 Digital Display Advertising 8
3 Social Media Management 8

This module includes subjects that promote the study and analysis of the consumer throughout the marketing process and its impact on the main long-term asset of the company: its reputation in the online market.

1 Consumer-Buyer Behavior 8
2 Online Reputation 8

This module provides an in-depth analysis of the main paradigm of the future marketing process: mobile marketing, the adaptation of promotion to specific time-space contexts in order to fine-tune the personalization of the offer to the extreme.

1 Mobile Marketing 7

In this module, we propose to acquire a deeper knowledge of Big Data and Smart Data, both from a theoretical and technical point of view, and finally applied to the deeply personalized marketing process of products and services.


The objective of this module is for the student to present a complete document showing a project-proposal that responds to a detected need related to the field of Marketing and Big Data. The work will be supervised by an expert director in the field of study proposed by the student.

1 Master's Final Project 10

Description of the Subjects


  1. Business Administration and Management

    This subject introduces students to the concepts and techniques of business administration and management, as well as to an understanding of the meaning, nature, and scope of managing a company or one of its subsystems. It provides an overview of the company’s functions, processes, and components, and familiarizes students with the language of business and entrepreneurship.

    Application of the administrative process to decision-making.
    Analysis of functional areas and their interrelation across three hierarchical levels to achieve organizational objectives.
    Organizational communication for problem solving, mediation, and idea generation. Sociological and legal perspectives of the company: developing strategies for a healthy environment and ensuring compliance with laws.
    Quantitative methods for decision analysis.
    New trends for decision making.
    Business creation from an innovative approach
  2. Marketing

    This subject is aimed at understanding the functioning of marketing and sales in the company, introducing the concepts and techniques of marketing and commercial management, and to understand the meaning, nature and scope of the commercial function.

    Commercial organization, management and direction.
    Brand and product or service management.
    Pricing policy and positioning.
    Marketing and distribution of products or services.
    Marketing, sales and commercial negotiation techniques.
    Commercial analysis and adaptation to market changes.
    E-commerce and web marketing.
    Commercial action plan.


  1. Digital Marketing and e-Commerce

    This subject provides an understanding of the transition from the offline paradigm to the online model. Under these two marketing philosophies, it enables customer identification and management, from customer acquisition to customer loyalty. It presents strategies and models to measure the success of commercial campaigns, especially in the online environment.

  2. Digital Display Advertising

    This subject highlights the fundamental elements to focus on in the case of commercial and display advertising strategies, undoubtedly one of the foundations of Internet advertising. Promotional developments are contemplated both on web pages and through search engines, always taking into consideration the legal and ethical aspects that must guide such actions.

    SEO and SEM search engine optimization strategies.
    Digital advertising formats and strategies for the development of digital advertising campaigns.
    Methodological systems for measuring the success of digital advertising campaigns.
    Current trends in digital advertising.
    Legal and ethical aspects of digital advertising communication.
  3. Social Media Management

    This subject deals with the development, in all its phases, of promotional events on social networks, undoubtedly one of the most powerful platforms in this regard on the Internet. It also takes a look at the strategic direction and operational management of these companies, especially relevant in the online world.

    The main social media platforms.
    Agents involved in social networks.
    Social networks as marketing tools.
    Paid advertising campaigns in social networks.
    The importance of analytics and metrics in social networks.


  1. Consumer-Buyer Behavior

    This subject offers a complete and current vision of consumer-buyer behavior in the digital environment, based on an understanding of how the digitalization of technology has influenced people's lifestyles and has generated new habits of consumption, communication and interaction with brands and companies, developing different market segments.

    The influence of the digital environment on consumer behavior.
    The evolution of the consumer and the characteristics of digital consumption.
    The profile of the digital consumer and strategies for managing their behavior.
    Other factors influencing digital consumer behavior.
    Current consumer trends.
  2. Online Reputation

    This subject highlights what is probably the most relevant element in online strategy: reputation, the basis of trustworthiness of all commercial activities on the Internet. Likewise, emphasis is placed on their proper management and correct performance, as well as on the solution of possible crises that may arise in this area.

    Evolution of the business model in the digital ecosystem.
    Concept and characteristics of online reputation.
    Factors that determine online reputation and strategies to improve it.
    Tools and techniques for conducting online audits.
    Online reputation crisis management.


  1. Mobile Marketing

    This subject introduces the student to the characteristics of the mobile world and consumer behavior in this environment, so that the student is able to plan and execute an efficient mobile marketing plan, choosing the best way to develop commercial and advertising campaigns with the use of apps and appropriate measurement tools.

    The importance of cell phones today.
    The mobile business and the characteristics of its consumer.
    The application of mobile marketing.
    Procedures and techniques for performing mobile analytics.
    Advertising techniques, trends and recent applications most used in the mobile business.


  1. Big Data Technologies

    The second subject delves into the concept of data science and the analysis of the massive available data generated by digital technologies.

    Introduction to data science.
    Statistical inference and statistical algorithms.
    Business Intelligence.
    Machine Learning definition and concepts.
    Deep Learning.
    Spark, Python and R programming languages. Graphical data interpretation techniques.
    Future of Big Data: ethical and legal dimensions.
  2. Big Data Techniques and Practice

    This subject presents the background and theoretical and practical knowledge for the processing of large volumes of data from different sources, to assist in decision making, either for descriptive or predictive purposes.

    Techniques and practices for processing massive databases.
    Statistical tools for descriptive processing and exploratory data analysis.
    Machine learning techniques and model interpretation.
    Platforms for efficient storage of massive databases.
    Tools that allow analytical processing of data.
  3. Big Data Applied to Marketing and Communication

    This subject provides a historical review of the evolution of Big Data and presents its various possible applications in marketing and business communication.

    The historical perspective of the birth to the rise of Big Data.
    Applicable uses and metrics of Big Data in marketing and digital communication.
    Data visualization tools.
    Applied representation of data, based on dynamic and interactive visualization of marketing information and communication.


The Final Project consists of the elaboration by the student of a research work in the field of Digital Marketing and Big Data, which demonstrates the integration of the knowledge and skills acquired throughout the curriculum.

Note: The content of the academic program may be subject to slight modifications depending on updates or improvements made.


Academic Management

  • Dr. Ernesto Bautista Thompson. Doctorate in Computer Science by the Centro de Investigación en Computación del Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Mexico. Master in Materials Science and Engineering by the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Degree in Physics from the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Experience in consulting projects in data science and software development in the oil industry (PEMEX E&P) and in business intelligence in companies in the commerce, manufacturing and food sectors. Academic career as a researcher in the field of time series analysis and modeling, data science and information visualization. Teaching career in undergraduate and graduate programs in different universities in Mexico: Universidad Autónoma del Carmen, UVM, UTEL; currently a full time professor at the Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana México. Academic Coordinator of the Master's Program in Data Science applied to Business Intelligence.

General Academic Coordination

  • Dr. Ligia María Lee Guandique. Communication Area Coordinator - FUNIBER. 

Teaching staff and Authors

  • Dr. Ernesto Francisco Bautista Thompson. Doctorate in Computer Science by the Center for Research in Computing of the National Polytechnic Institute, Mexico. Master in Materials Science and Engineering by the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). Graduated in Physics from the Faculty of Sciences of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).
  • Dr. Marta Pérez. Doctorate in Communication from the Universidad Católica San Antonio. Currently teaches subjects such as Public Opinion, Communication Theory and Oral and Written Communication at the Universidad Loyola Andalucía (Spain). Has also published articles in high impact journals such as El profesional de la información, Latina, Anglia, Opción, Icono 14 or Catalan Journal of Comunicación; as well as book chapters in prestigious publishers such as McGraw Hill, IGI Global or Routledge.
  • Dr. David Varona. Doctorate in Journalism from the Complutense University of Madrid. Holds a degree in Journalism from the Complutense University of Madrid and a Master's degree in International Relations from the same university. Currently teaches Digital Content Design and Production and Digital Journalism at Loyola Andalucía University
  • Dr. Jon Arambarri Basañez. D. in Engineering and Technology from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia UPC - University of Cordoba. MBA from the Institute of Applied Economics of UPV-EHU. Senior Telecommunications Engineer from the School of Engineering of Bilbao. Professor accredited by the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ANECA). Currently a project manager at oriented to the generation of new products to meet the strategic needs of Aquitaine (France) - Euskadi in eHealth, Industry4.0 and Energy Technologies. He combines his professional work with independent consulting and teaching. He has more than 20 years of experience in technology business development and innovation management in the international public-private sector. His research interests combine telecommunication infrastructures (Telecommunication Networks, Multimedia and Internet of Things - IoT) together with the digital transformation (Artificial Intelligence and predictive systems, Cyber-Security) of the business fabric, mainly in areas of eHealth, Industry4.0 and Energy. He is the author of numerous scientific publications and an active lecturer on innovative business management.
  • Dr. Roberto Fabiano Fernandes. Doctorate in Engineering and Knowledge Management from the Federal University of Santa Catarina, UFSC, Brazil. Master's Degree in Engineering and Knowledge Management, Federal University of Santa Catarina. Specialization in Software Project Engineering, University of Southern Santa Catarina. Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science, Blumenau Regional University Foundation. Has experience in the areas of engineering, production, with emphasis on innovation management. Has worked especially on the following topics: innovation, project management, opportunity identification, design and knowledge management.
  • Dr. Jorge Manjarrez. Doctorate in Computer Science from the University of Nantes, France, working on the optimization of query processing in parallel databases in the ATLAS-INRIA team. Senior Member of the ACM. Professor-researcher PRODEP. Has about 40 publications in journals, book chapters and conferences. Has also directed graduate and engineering theses and research projects with public and private funding. Areas of interest are Scalable Machine Learning, Scalable Data Management and parallel and concurrent programming.
  • Dr. (c) Andrea Gutiérrez Jiménez. Psychologist, Master in Human Resources and Knowledge Management, Diploma in Perinatal Education. Has worked in the field of people development in health institutions, educational institutions and private companies. More than 15 years of teaching experience, she is a consultant and lecturer.
  • Msc. Noelia Leiro. Master in Digital Marketing and Business Management by ESERP BUSINESS SCHOOL, Barcelona. Degree in Advertising and Public Relations from the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Professional with more than nine years of experience in the Mobile App Marketing sector and more than 13 years in Marketing and Advertising. Currently CEO and Founder of Actualízatec, a Mobile and App Marketing consultancy.
  • Msc. Enrique Villanueva. Master's Degree in Business Administration from the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey. Bachelor's Degree in Communication Sciences from the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey. Certificate in Tourism from the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey.
  • Msc. Hadit Pamela Brito Abreu. Master's Degree in Business Administration from the Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana. Degree in Advertising from Universidad Pro Educación y Cultura, Dominican Republic. Academic advising in different academic programs (masters, doctorates, specializations).

FUNIBER Training Scholarships

The Fundación Universitaria Iberoamericana (FUNIBER) periodically allocates a special economic fund for FUNIBER Scholarships in Education.

To apply for the scholarship, please complete the information request form on FUNIBER's website or contact the office branch in your country, who will inform you if it is necessary to provide any additional information.

Once the documentation is received, the Evaluation Committee will examine the suitability of your application for financial aid as awarded by the FUNIBER Scholarship.