Master in Applied Linguistics: Teaching Spanish to Speakers of Other Languages

Program Presentation

In recent times the privileged position that the Spanish language has moved into among the languages of the world, and the consequent increase in demand for the teaching of Spanish, has uncovered the need to progress, research and be trained in this area.

Spanish is currently the second language of international communication and the fourth most widely spoken in the world (this is the mother tongue of more than 400 million people living in more than 20 countries). In the United States there are more than 30 million Spanish speakers, and in Canada Spanish is the language with a highest growth. Also, the explosive demand for Spanish as foreign language courses that originated in the early 90s, and which has gradually increased to the present day, is another positive factor that reflects the importance of forming good professionals in this area.

Europe has begun to experience a similar situation. According to data from the Institute of Cervantes, between four and five million people are studying Spanish as a foreign language in the European Union. There has also been an increased interest of the Spanish language by the newly acceded countries to the EU or in countries such as Norway or Switzerland, where the rise of the number of its students is very significant. One consequence of this trend is the sharp increase in demand for Spanish courses arising at the global level.

In this context, Funiber offers a training program for teachers of Spanish as a foreign language that has as its main objective to respond to this new reality. The contents of the Master in Applied Linguistics to Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language and the Master in Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language are identical. The only thing that varies is the name and qualifications of the same in function of the university where the student has enrolled.

The contents of the Master in Applied Linguistics to Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language and the Master in Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language are identical. The only thing that varies is the name and qualifications of the same in function of the university where the student has enrolled.

Who is the programme for?

The general profile of course recipients is as follows:

  • Professors of Spanish as a SL in primary and secondary education, both in public as well as private institutions.
  • Professors of Spanish as a SL in adult education.
  • Associate and bachelor degree graduates in related specialties who intend to work as professors of Spanish as a SL.

To access the courses, it is necessary to meet the following requirements:

  1. Academic requirements:

    Applicants must hold a university degree or equivalent in order to access the Master. If they have a degree in another area, they must take an entrance test.

  2. Linguistic requirements:

    To enter the program, non-Spanish speakers must prove sufficient command of Spanish as the language in the academic area. This domain recognizes those who have completed an accredited university degree in a related area in universities of Spanish speaking countries. However, this recognition is not automatic and is materialized after carefully studying the documentation that the applicant provides.

    In the event that no such qualification is available, sufficient language proficiency must be established by submitting documents such as the Higher Diploma of Spanish as a Second Language from the Cervantes Institute or other equivalents.

    If applicants do not have any certificate attesting their language level or their university degree does not have the correct one, they must take an entrance test in order to enter the program.


Successful completion of the Program will enable you to be awarded the degree in Master in Applied Linguistics: Teaching Spanish to Speakers of Other Languages.

After successfully completing the Program, the student will receive the degree as awarded by the University where they have enrolled.

Program Structure


Assessments aim to optimize academic achievement and teacher performance of the teacher in training. This is done through examinations, papers and other parallel activities carried out during tutorials for each of the subjects.

In distance education, comments and corrections of work done by the student are of great importance, since they have directly tutor support and will serve as indication of progress made. Therefore, these aspects are considered essential and much time and effort are dedicated to them.

The aim is to offer students the possibility of future work in improving and enhancing professional development through the course. All assessment is aimed at training and insight on the program’s topics so that the work serves to improve professional developments.

In summary: these teachers training programs of S/SL allow a process of autonomous and reflexive learning, with collaboration and interaction with peers and tutors supported by an infrastructure.


Upon successful program completion, the student will receive the degree of MASTER/MASTER IN LINGUISTICS APPLIED TO TEACHING SPANISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE or a MASTER/MASTER IN PROFESSOR TRAINING FOR SPANISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE according to the University where the student enrolled.

Double Degree

Once the Master in Professor Training for Spanish as a Second Language or in Linguistics Applied to Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language is completed, the student is given the opportunity to also complete the Master in Teaching English as a Foreign Language or the Master in Linguistics Applied to Teaching English as a Foreign Language is only one year. This is possible thanks to the automatic validation that is performed in all subjects that both masters have in common. These are the following:

1 Modes of directing the classroom. Techniques and reflection on the practice 3
2 Observation and research in the classroom 3
1 Second language acquisition 3
2 Individual factors in learning 3
3 Learning strategies 3
1 Methodological foundations 3
2 Skill development in the classroom 3
3 Creation, adaptation and evaluation of materials and resources 3
4 Educational technology in language learning 3
5 Projects and assignments 3
6 Evaluation of the language learning process 3
7 Curriculum design and programming – Theory and practice 3

The student only has to take the specific subjects for the Master in Teaching English as a Foreign Language or the Master in Linguistics Applied to Teaching English as a Foreign Language:

1 Approaches to language in the classroom context 3
2 Teaching pronunciation 3
3 English in the community 3
4 Teaching english through translation 3
5 Content Language Integrated Learning 3
1 They will develop a new final practical and written master’s report in English. Students applying to study this double degree will get a special price in enrollment.

Students applying to study this double degree will get a special price in enrollment.

Pedagogical Approach

The program is not limited to merely providing content, but carries out a series of pedagogical actions to promote collaborative learning (between students and teachers). This is based on the following educational model:

  • Training model of the cooperative and collaborative type.
  • Based on dynamic and socio-constructivism training and learning concept.
  • Assessing learning process with regard to material.
  • Relevance of learning process regarding product or result.
  • Stimulation of critical insight from the professor regarding their teaching practice and educational thinking.
  • Involvement and attention to the person as a whole in the learning process (affective dimension, motivational, etc.).
  • Work method next to research-action.
  • Interactive and multicultural groups.

This model rests on four pillars; the students, the professors, the materials and the activities.


General objective

The overall program objective is to provide a comprehensive and updated training, and provide the basis for development of academic and professional skills necessary for teaching Spanish as a SL in any of the different teacher-learning contexts.

It aims to support the professional practice on current knowledge; provide insights regarding the nature of teaching and learning a second language, and develop perceptions, knowledge, resources and practical skills necessary to complete the theoretical basis.

Stimulation of critical reflection is one aspect that defines the nature of the Project and makes a good bridge between basic theoretical training and necessary practical application, key action area.

Specific objectives

  • Provide comprehensive understanding of the work of a professor of Spanish as a SL and help develop strategies to improve the most important aspects of it, considering its context, now and in the future.
  • Acquaint the professor with the most relevant methodological proposals in the field of teaching Spanish as a SL and help develop a greater understanding and sensitivity to the nature of language, its use and learning.
  • Emphasize the importance of individual professional development and innovation in the area.
  • Provide students with the necessary advice to enable them to independently carry out research on their own teaching assignment and thus advance professionally.

In this sense, the program encourages the professor in training to:

  • Interpret relationship between theory and practice and keep it in mind.
  • Adapt new ideas and strategies to actual classroom situations.
  • Experiment and innovate the teaching practice.
  • Apply analytical skills to specific issues and problems.
  • Demonstrate ability to critically evaluate literature and current research work in the field of teaching Spanish as a second language.
  • Evaluate advantages and disadvantages of specific current teaching strategies and program.
  • Apply knowledge and skills acquired during the program in the continuous improvement of teaching.
  • The program’s focus is that students engage in a process of professional development directly related to their current or future work.

Study Plan

1 Second language acquisition 3
2 Individual factors in learning 3
3 Learning strategies 3
1 Communication and pragmalinguistic adequacy 3
2 Language, culture y bilingualism 3
1 Grammar for teachers of Spanish as a SL 3
2 Spanish and its varieties 3
3 Teaching vocabulary 3

The standard length of the program is 25 months and credits vary according to the university that issues the degree.

Note: The contents of the academic program may be subject to slight modifications, depending on the updates or the improvements made.


Academic Administration

  • Dr. Jesús Arzamendi Saéz de Ibarra.  Doctor in Philosophy and Literature. Director of the Department of Language Sciences, Education and Communications. Iberoamerican International University - UNINI
  • Dr. Antonio Bueno González. Doctor in Hispanic Philology. Associate Professor at the European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO)
  • Dr. Narciso Contreras Izquierdo. Doctor en Filología Hispánica. Professor at the European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO)
  • Dr. Jesús López-Peláez Casellas. Doctor in Philosophy and Literature (Germanic Philology. Associate Professor at the European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO)
  • Ms. Julio Valladares. Professor at the University of Piura


  • Dr. Silvia Pueyo Villa. Coordinator of the Teacher Training Area at the Iberoamerican University Foundation

Teaching staff and Authors

  • Dr. Alejandro Alcaraz Sintes. Professor at the University of Jaen
  • Dra. Ana Almagro Esteban. Professor at the University of Jaen
  • Dra. Vanessa Anaya Moix. Professor at the Iberoamerican International University - UNINI
  • Dra. Elixabete Areizaga Orube. Associate Professor at the University of the Basque Country
  • Dr. Pedro Barros. Professor at the University of Granada
  • Dra. Aurora Biedma Torrecillas. Professor at the University of Granada
  • Dra. Yolanda Caballero Aceituno. Professor at the University of Jaen
  • Dr. Tony Harris. Professor at the University of Granada
  • Dr. Carmelo Medina Casado. Professor at the University of Jaen
  • Dr. Maximiano Cortés Moreno. Professor at the University of Chang Jung
  • Dr. Joseba Ezeiza Ramos. Professor at the University of the Basque Country
  • Dr. Francisco Fernández García. Professor at the University of Jaen
  • Dr. Manuel Jiménez Raya. Professor at the University of Granada
  • Dra. Gloria Luque Agulló.Professor at the University of Jaen
  • Dr. Fermín Martos Eliche. Professor at the University of Granada
  • Dr. Daniel Madrid Fernández. Professor at the University of Granada
  • Dra. Mª Victoria Mateo García. Professor at the University of Almeria
  • Dra. María del Carmen Méndez García. Professor at the University of Jaen
  • Dra. Francisca Molina Navarrete. Professor at the University of Jaen
  • Dra. María Águeda Moreno Moreno. Professor at the University of Jaen
  • Dr. Juan Antonio Moya Corral. Professor at the University of Granada
  • Dr. Jesús Nieto García. Professor at the University of Jaen
  • Dra. Ana Mª Ortega Cebreros. Professor at the University of Jaen
  • Dra. Mª José Pareja López. Division of Language Studies Community College of City U (Hong Kong)
  • Dra. María Luisa Pérez Cañado. Professor at the University of Jaen
  • Dr. José Luis Ramírez Luengo. Professor at the University of Jaen
  • Dra. Yolanda Ruíz de Zarobe. Associate Professor at the University of the Basque Country
  • Dr. Majid Safadaran Mosazadeh. General Director of Academic Programs. Peruvian North American Cultural Institute
  • Dra. Sagrario Salaberri Ramiro. Professor at the University of Almeria
  • Dr. Ventura Salazar García. Professor at the University of Jaen
  • Dra. Isabel Sánchez López. Professor at the University of Jaen
  • Dra. (c) Rosa Lucha. Professor in the FUNIBER Teacher Training Area
  • Dra. (c) Leticia Andrea Rojas Castro. Professor in the FUNIBER Teacher Training Area
  • Dra. (c) Beatriz Suárez Rodríguez. Professor in the FUNIBER Teacher Training Area
  • Ms. Mariángeles Avendaño Casassas. Professor in the FUNIBER Teacher Training Area
  • Ms. Philip Ball. Professor in the FUNIBER Teacher Training Area
  • Ms. Elena Caixal Manzano. Professor in the FUNIBER Teacher Training Area
  • Ms. María Eugenia Falabella. Professor in the FUNIBER Teacher Training Area
  • Ms. Anne Lennon. University of the Basque Country.
  • Prof. del British Council. Ms. Scott Thornbury. New School (New York, USA)

FUNIBER Training Scholarships

The Iberoamerican University Foundation (FUNIBER) allocates periodically an extraordinary economic item for FUNIBER Training Scholarships.

To apply, please fill out the information request form that appears in the web of FUNIBER or contact directly the Foundation’s headquarters in your country that will inform you if you need to provide some additional information.

Once the documentation is received, the Evaluation Committee will determine your application's eligibility for the FUNIBER Training Scholarship.