Master in Tourism Management and Consultancy

Program Presentation

The main objective of this program is to become the international model for postgraduate courses in the field of Hotel Management & Tourism. It is a program that aims to develop strategic thinking and instill students with the methods of management, leadership and personal development that tourism industry executives need.

All of this is done within an international and multicultural context that allows students to learn from the experiences of academics and professionals.

The Master in Tourism Management and Consultancy aims to provide answers to the challenges of the modern world, using the latest information technologies and communication, granting access to quality training. Therefore, the large number of specialties permits the design of a customized program that meets real training needs of the student or the company, providing a personalized development.

The online course addresses the need to improve knowledge and skills from a professional perspective, through this Master in Tourism Management and Consultancy.

Who is the programme for?

The proposed methodology and a clear and diverse curriculum makes the Master in Tourism Management and Consulting program designed for university graduates who wish to acquire knowledge for the management, direction or coordination of any company in the tourism sector.


Successful completion of the Program will enable you to be awarded the degree in Master in Tourism Management and Consultancy.

After successfully completing the Program, the student will receive the degree as awarded by the University where they have enrolled.

Program Structure

The credit structure of the Master in Tourism Management and Consultancy program is shown in the following table. It should be noted that the duration is merely indicative, as the methodology followed integrates the knowledge and skills to be acquired in each part through integrative exercises of knowledge acquisition and internalization of project practices:

1st Part: Tourism Consulting 60
2nd Part: Specialization 20
3rd Part: Final Project 10

a. The equivalence in credits may vary according to the university where he/she has enrolled. One (1) ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) credit is equivalent to 10 + 15 hours. If the student is enrolled in a university that does not belong to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), the relation between credits - hours may vary.


The Master in Tourism Management and Consultancy has 90 credits.
The duration of the Master in Tourism Management and Consultancy varies between 12 and 24 months, depending on the student's dedication. In this period of time, the student must have successfully passed all the evaluated activities and approved the Final Project.


General objectives

  • To train competent, self-confident professionals able to take responsibility, make decisions and solve problems, generating success for their companies.
  • To define the major forces that are driving the new tourism model as an alternative to traditional mass tourism.

Specific objectives

  • To master new managerial and business decision-making technologies in the tourism sector.
  • To gain in-depth knowledge of different functional areas of tourism companies and corresponding management tools.
  • To acquire the ability to analyze, synthesize and systematically identify factors that create real problems or opportunities, thereby leading to correct decision making.
  • To develop the ability to adapt the field to include people from diverse geographical, professional, academic and cultural origins.
  • To know the characteristics of tourism management in an international context.
  • To familiarize students with the latest approaches and techniques in relation to green tourism.

Career Opportunities

The main career opportunities of the Master in Tourism Management and Consulting are oriented toward management and administration of tourism companies, both public and private. In addition to tourist information administration programs: consultancy and advisory departments; travel agencies and intermediary companies.Here are some of the career choices:

Here are some of the career choices:

  • Travel industry: travel agencies, tour operators and event planners.
  • Lodging and catering industry: hotels and hotel chains; mountain, ocean and country resorts; conference centers.
  • Tourist attractions and business facilities: art and cultural heritage; nature; amusement parks; fairs, conventions and expos; shopping; amusement; sports facilities.
  • Transport industry: airlines, bus and car rental companies, rail transport, shipping, ferry and cruise companies.
  • Tourist information and promotion: tourism offices; local, regional and national organizations; consumer organizations; tourism media; technical tourism information systems providers; consulting, research and counseling firms.

Study Plan

The Master in Tourism Management and Consulting curriculum is based on 3 sequential parts.


The first part teaches theoretical, conceptual and historical foundations involved in tourism activity followed by its organizational, social and technological implementation.

The goal is for students to gain an overview of the tourism sector, through different related multidisciplinary topics.

Corresponding subjects and hours of the first part are shown in the following table:

1 Tourism foundations 4
2 Marketing tourism businesses and destinations 6
3 Business administration and management 4
4 Strategic management of tourism companies and destinations 4
5 Financial management 4
6 Environmental management of tourism companies 4
7 Strategic Human Resource management 3
8 Quantitative analysis of tourism 4
9 ICT’s in the tourism industry 5
10 Quality management in tourism businesses and destinations 4
11 Tourism economics 3
  TOTAL 45

Specializations allow students to go more in depth into the tourism industry areas that are of interest both professionally and personally.

Students must choose a unique topic for a 200-hour specialization, from among those offered.

The goal is to achieve the highest degree of expertise in the field of tourism, through complete, comprehensive and updated training.

1 Hotel Management 20
2 Sustainable Tourism 20
  TOTAL 40

The Final Project, that counts for 150 hours, must be written about a subject related to the field.

  TOTAL 15

Note: The contents of the academic program may be subject to slight modifications, depending on the updates or the improvements made.


  • Dr. Silvia Aparicio. Doctor in Economics from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and Bachelor in Business Administration and Management from the Universidad de Cantabria. International Academic Director of the Area of Management Development, Business Organization, and Human Resources of the Iberoamerican University Foundation, FUNIBER.

Academic Coordination

  • Dr. (c) Liliana Valdés Ruiz. Doctoral student in Projects in the International Iberoamerican University. Master in Business Administration from the University of Havana. Master in Marketing and Digital Communication Management by the IMF (Madrid). Degree in Tourism from the University of Havana. Work experience in hotel companies and travel agencies. More than 5 years of experience in In-Company training and distance education in the field of tourism working as a profesor and academic coordinator in the area of Tourism. More than 4 years of experience in the field of online advertising, designing, and managing campaigns in social networks, Google Adwords, among other advertising platforms.

Teaching staff and Authors

  • Dr. Eduardo García Villena. Doctorate in Project Engineering: Environment, Safety, Quality and Communication, by the Polytechnic University of Catalonia. Academic Director of the Area in Environment in the Iberoamerican University Foundation.
  • Dra. Alina Celi Frugoni. Doctorate in Law from the University of Alicante. Master in Administrative and Economic Law, University of Montevideo. Postgraduate studies in Environmental Law, Austral University of Buenos Aires.
  • Dr. Roberto Ruiz Salces. Doctorate in Philosophy in Education and Anthropology (Ph.D.) from Newport University - USA - with doctoral homologation from IE University. Degree in Geography and History from the University of Cantabria (Spain). General Secretary of the European University of the Atlantic in Santander-Spain since 2013.
  • Dr. Jorge Crespo Álvarez. Doctorate in Construction Engineering from the University of Cantabria, Spain. Postgraduate Director and Professor at the European University of the Atlantic, Spain. Consultant and researcher.
  • Dra. Silvia Pueyo Villa. Doctorate in Education Sciences from the University of Barcelona. Master’s Degree in Linguistics Applied to the Teaching of Spanish as a Foreign Language from the University of Jaén. Academic Director and Senior Lecturer of the Master’s Degree in Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language.
  • Dr. Fermín Ferriol Sánchez. Doctorate in Education Sciences from the University of Havana. Professor of Administration, Marketing, and Organizational Consultant. Professor at the International Iberoamerican University.
  • Dr. Emmanuel Soriano Flores. Doctorate in Higher Education Sciences from the Chapingo Autonomous University. Master's Degree in Educational Innovation from the University of Ghent. Master's and Bachelor's Degrees in Administration from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (graduated with honors). Postgraduate degree in Financial Management and Accounting from the European School of Business in Barcelona. Master's Degree in Business and Corporate Communication from the University of Isabel I. Professor at the International Iberoamerican University.
  • Dra. Adriana Mayorga. Doctor in Project Engineering: Environment, Safety, Quality, and Communication from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC). Professor in the virtual environment of subjects related to Human Talent Management, Commercial Management, Sales and Marketing Management, and Occupational Risk Management.
  • Dr. Carlos Eduardo Uc Ríos. Engineer in Communications and Electronics from the Autonomous University of Campeche. Master’s Degree of Science with a specialty in Telecommunications from the Center for Research and Advanced Studies of the National Polytechnic Institute (CINVESTAV-IPN) Mexico campus. Doctorate in Electrical Engineering Sciences with a specialty in Telecommunications from the Center for Research and Advanced Studies of the National Polytechnic Institute (CINVESTAV-IPN, Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados del Instituto Politécnico Nacional) campus Mexico.
  • Dr. José del Carmen Zavala Loria. Doctorate in Chemical Engineering/ Celaya Institute of Technology, Guanajuato, Mexico. Master’s Degree in Mathematics Education with terminal output from the Autonomous University of the State of Morelos. Bachelor of Science in Chemical Processes, Specialty in Petrochemical Processes, Autonomous University of Carmen/ Faculty of Chemistry, Campeche, Mexico.
  • Dr. Armando Anaya Hernández. Studied a degree in archeology at the National School of Anthropology and History in Mexico City and did his postgraduate studies at the University of Calgary, Canada, where he obtained his doctorate in 1999. Currently a full-time professor-researcher at the Autonomous University of Campeche.
  • Dr. Antonio Maya Frades (EPD). Doctorate in Geography. Professor in the University of León.
  • Dra. Natividad Juaneda Sampol. Chair Professor of Applied Economics at the University of the Balearic Islands
  • Dra. (c). Daniela Torrico Villarroel. Doctorate in Projects, Marketing research, by the International Iberoamerican University (in progress). Master in Business Administration (LaSalle Business Administration). Master in Marketing and Commercial Distribution (Polytechnic University of Catalonia). Professor at the International Iberoamerican University.
  • Dra. (c). María Eugenia Luna Borgero. Master in Human Resources and Knowledge Management from the University of León, Spain. Expert in Human Resources Management and Management Skills. Program Coordinator and Professor at the International Iberoamerican University.
  • Dr. Carmen Lilí Rodríguez Velasco. Doctor in Education from the International Iberoamerican University, Master in Occupational and Organizational Psychology from the University of Havana, and Bachelor in Psychology from the Central University of Las Villas, Cuba. Academic Coordinator and Professor at the International Iberoamerican University.
  • Dra. (c). Andrea Gutiérrez Jiménez. Doctorate in Projects from the International Iberoamerican University (in progress). Master in Human Resources and Knowledge Management from the University of León, Spain. Professor at the International Iberoamerican University.
  • Dr. (c) Gabriel Mauricio Pulgarín Osorio. Doctorate in Projects from the International Iberoamerican University. Master in Economic and Financial Administration from the Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira. Has 12 years of work experience in the academic field, both in-person and virtual, for subjects related to the area of Business, Cost Control and Management, Financial Mathematics, Public Accounting and Budgeting, Financial Statement Analysis, Economics.
  • Dra. (c) Liliana Valdés Ruiz. Doctoral student in Projects in the International Iberoamerican University. Master in Business Administration from the University of Havana. Master in Marketing and Digital Communication Management by the IMF (Madrid). Has been the program’s Academic Coordinator and professor of several subjects for the last 7 years.
  • Dr. (c) Wánderson Cássio Oliveira Araujo. Doctoral student in the Projects program of the International Iberoamerican University in Mexico (UNINI). Professor in the Department of Information Science from the Federal University of Rondônia.
  • Dra. (c) Gabriela Larrea Madinyá. Doctorate in Projects from the International Iberoamerican University (in progress). Master in Strategic Management from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia. Expert in Communication and Marketing Strategies by applying new technologies.

FUNIBER Training Scholarships

The Iberoamerican University Foundation (FUNIBER) allocates periodically an extraordinary economic item for FUNIBER Training Scholarships.

To apply, please fill out the information request form that appears in the web of FUNIBER or contact directly the Foundation’s headquarters in your country that will inform you if you need to provide some additional information.

Once the documentation is received, the Evaluation Committee will determine your application's eligibility for the FUNIBER Training Scholarship.