Design and Development of an innovative incubator MODEL Faculty of Architecture, Design and Urbanism. University of Buenos Aires (Argentina)


Innovation Project / FUNIBER Argentina

This project arose from the real need of young professionals who do not find a development field once they join the labor market.

The project is aimed at being a stimulus for the development of innovative products and services. It is about accompanying design or entrepreneur professionals in the development of entrepreneurial projects, thus decreasing the actual barriers that prevent them from carrying out their business project.

The objective is that they can find in one place (real or virtual) every means and tools needed to develop an idea, hence, the University seems like a good place for hosting such a place.

This project understands the word “incubator” as: “An environment where a new risky business can find its place and have access to the tools, resources, technical and legal support, to the relationships it needs in order to prosper and survive the market”.

The project in Argentina means giving support to training for entrepreneurs, which enriches the social network with innovative proposals and helps move the economy.

FUNIBER contributed to this project government with an important volume of intellectual capital to facilitate and assist in the project and the entrepreneur initiatives that may arise from it.

The project was funded by UBA (Argentina).