Development of the industrial area of the city of Puerto Deseado, Province of Santa Cruz (Argentina)


The goal of this project was to establish general guidelines for the orderly growth and industrial development of the city of Puerto Deseado, whose industrial activity port is currently increasing.

The work consisted, first, in making a diagnosis of the state of current situation, and its projection in the future, always from the three areas that structure the project: Technical, Environmental and Socio-economic areas, in order to determine the current scenario and the future scenario to get. The Local Government was also involved.

The project was developed with the active participation of REAL social representatives, interviews, surveys and training workshops. In this way, the relationship with the society was maintained, listening to people’s demands about this topic and informing them on the work progress.

The project in Argentina enabled to meet better the needs, problems and possibilities of change and growth in the Port of Santa Cruz, which enables to determine potential for development and growth in the geographical context and port operations.

FUNIBER contributed to this project of the provincial government with an important volume of intellectual capital to facilitate and assist in the project in its various stages through training workshops.

The project was funded by the Government of the province of Santa Cruz through the Federal Council of Investments.