Training aimed at Technicians and Municipal Managers for the regional development of Quetzaltenango (Guatemala)


This project is aimed at training government officials in the cooperation project creation, management and design in the Quetzaltenango region. The aim was that the Guatemaltecan administration managed to have experts, but also to have concrete, viable and sustainable projects, in priority topics and areas of the country and for international aid.

18 government officials from different municipalities were trained.

The participants created cross-cutting projects that integrate the different municipalities and vertical projects of the competences of each municipality.The projects were:

  • Action plan to maintain Quetzaltenango’s Natural Patrimony (Preserving the protected forest of Quetzaltenango).
  • Action plan for the municipal solid urban waste collection.
  • Integral Management Plan for the Drainage System of the River Basin of Quetzaltenango.

The project in Guatemala allowed the participation of a remarkable group of technicians and municipal managers experts in a variety of matters related to the project and municipal management, a group capable of coping with a local problem and formulate initiatives that are coherent with the political, social and environmental space where they are. For the country, training professional with such vision represents a great contribution to generate initiatives that are increasingly aligned with and integrated in the national development policies.

FUNIBER contributed to the smooth implementation of the project at the local level in Quetzaltenango (Guatemala) with:

(i) knowledge, expertise, technology and social capital in the creation, design, management, implementation and the project closure;

(ii) experience in online learning and instructional adaptation to the country on the basis of the experience in Latin America and in the own country;

(iii) virtual spaces and good practices for online studies, cooperative work and collaborative work;

(iv) support to the design of developmental projects and the city’s and neighbor areas’ economic growth; and

(v) experience in practical communities to build a government officials that generates participation projects with an immediate benefit for the citizen.

The project was carried out with grant from the Catalan Agency for Development Cooperation (ACCD, Catalonia, Spain).