FUNIBER, via the Center for Research and Industrial Technology of Cantabria (CITICAN)participates in the Project “Prevent-SOS” with the objective of reducing the risk of accidents in natural aquatic environments.
With this project, the aim is to develop and commercialize a set of technologies that allow to identify and manage risks in natural aquatic environments.
Thanks to this project, the safety responsible of natural aquatic environments will have available an integral management web app that will ease control, preventive actions and emergency communication in such environments.
The CITICAN, the technological center created by FUNIBER and the European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO), will facilitate the user of their facilities and equipment for this project’s development.
For the project’s achievement, it also counts with the participation of the University of Vigo (Spain) and the sponsorship of Sociedad para el Desarrollo Regional de Cantabria (SODERCAN) via the program called “I+C=+C 2016 - PROYECTOS DE I+D”.
The project is developed throughout 2016-2018.